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Publications & Presentations

Miklowitz, D. J., Schneck, C. D., George, E. L., Taylor, D. O., Sugar, C. A., Birmaher, B. Kowatch, R. A., DelBello, M. P., & Axelson, D. A. (2014). Pharmacotherapy and Family-Focused treatment for adolescents with bipolar I and II disorders: a 2-year randomized trial. American Journal of Psychiatry, 171, 658-667.

Taylor, D. O., Millman, Z. B., Hawkey, C. G., Schneck, C., & Miklowitz, D. J. (June, 2013). Response to stress: associations with mood symptoms in youth at risk for bipolar disorder. Poster presented at the Tenth International Conference on Bipolar Disorders, Miami Beach, FL.

Miklowitz, D. J., Schneck, C. D., Singh, M. K., Taylor, D. O., George, E. L., Cosgrove, V. E., Howe, M. E., Dickinson, L M., Garber, J., & Chang, K. D. (2013).  Early intervention for symptomatic youth at risk for bipolar disorder: a randomized trial of family-focused therapy. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 52, 121-131.

Miklowitz, D. J., Chang, K. D., Taylor, D. O., George, E. L., Singh, M.K., Schneck, C. D., Dickinson, L. M., Howe, M., & Garber, J.  (2011).  Early psychosocial intervention for youth at risk for bipolar I or II disorder: a one-year treatment development trial.  Bipolar Disorders, 13, 67-75.

Taylor, D. O., & Miklowitz, D. J. (2009) Bipolar disorder in childhood and adolescence. In S. Nolen-Hoeksema & L. M. Hilt (Eds.), Handbook of Depression in Adolescents. NY: Routledge.

Miklowitz, D., Chang, K., George, E., Taylor, D., & Singh, M.  Early intervention for youth at risk for bipolar disorder. Poster presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY, November, 2009.

Sullivan, A., Miklowitz, D., George, E. L., Taylor, D. O., & Axelson, D.  Family functioning as a mediator of treatment outcome in adolescent bipolar disorder.  Poster presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY, November, 2009.

Miklowitz, D. J., Axelson, D. A., George, E. L., Taylor, D. O., Schneck, C. D., Sullivan, A. E., Dickinson, L. M., & Birmaher, B.  Expressed emotion moderates the effects of Family-Focused treatment for bipolar adolescents. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2009, 48:6, 643-651.

Miklowitz, D. J., Axelson, D. A., Birmaher, B., George, E. L., Taylor, D. O., Schneck, C. D., Beresford, C. A., Dickinson, L. M., Craighead, W. E., & Brent, D. A.  Family-focused treatment for adolescents with bipolar disorder: results of a 2-year randomized trial.  Archives of General Psychiatry, 2008, 65, 1053-1061.

Coville, A. L., Miklowitz, D. J., Taylor, D. O., & Low, K. G. (2008). Correlates of high expressed emotion attitudes among parents of bipolar adolescents. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 64:4, 438-449.

Cosgrove, V.E., Miklowitz, D.J., George, E.L., Taylor, D.K., Gagnon, L.L., & Hawkey C.B. Using the Child Behavior Checklist to identify bipolar phenotypes in adolescents.  Poster presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA, November, 2007.

Miklowitz, D. J., & Taylor, D. O. (2006). Family-focused treatment of the suicidal bipolar patient. Bipolar Disorders, 8, 640-651.

Taylor, D.O., Miklowitz, D.J., Gagnon, L.L., Coville, A., Richards, J., and George, E.L. Developmental pathways to adolescent bipolar disorder.  Poster presented at the Society for Research in Psychopathology 20th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, October, 2006.

Taylor, D.O., Miklowitz, D.J., George, E.L., Mullen, K.L., Biuckians, A., Goldstein, T., and Wardlaw, W.  Developmental pathways to adolescent bipolar disorder.  Poster presented at the Sixth Annual Conference on Bipolar Disorder, Pittsburgh, PA, June, 2005.

George, E.L., Miklowitz, D.J., Kim, E.Y., Taylor, D.O., Mullen, K., Biuckians, A., Schneck, C., Beresford, C., and Craighead, W.E.  Family-Focused Treatment of adolescent bipolar disorder.  Poster presented at the Bipolar Global Medical Conference, Rome, Italy, September, 2004.

Taylor, D.O., Miklowitz, D.J., George, E.L., Axelson, D., Birmaher, B., and Brent, D. Modifying Family-Focused Treatment for adolescents with bipolar disorder.  Poster presented at the Fifth Annual Conference on Bipolar Disorder, Pittsburgh, PA, June, 2003.

Mullen, K.L., Miklowitz, D.J., George, E.L., Taylor, D.O., Goldstein, T.R., Kim, E.Y. Symptoms  of mania in adult-onset and juvenile-onset patients at entry into a psychosocial intervention program.  Poster presented at the Fifth Annual Conference on Bipolar Disorder, Pittsburgh, PA, June, 2003.

George, E. L., Miklowitz, D. J., Richards, J. A., Simoneau, T. L., and Taylor, D.O.  The comorbidity of bipolar disorder and axis II personality disorders:  Prevalence and clinical correlates.  Bipolar Disorders, 2003, 5, 115-122.

George, E. L., Taylor, D. O., & Miklowitz, D. J. (2002). A case management protocol for patients with bipolar disease.  Bipolar Update, 1 (2), 12-13.

George, E. L., Taylor, D. O., and Miklowitz, D. J. A case management protocol for patients with bipolar disorder.  Poster presented at the Fourth Annual Conference on Bipolar Disorder, Pittsburgh, PA, June, 2001.

Taylor, D., and Warner, R.  Does substance use precipitate the onset of functional psychosis?  Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 1994, 64-75.

Warner, R., Taylor, D., Wright, J., Sloat, A., Springett, G., Arnold, S., and Weinberg, H.  Substance use among the mentally ill:  Prevalence, reasons for use, and effects on illness.  American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1994, 64, 30-39.

Warner, R., Taylor, D., Powers, M., and Hyman, J. Acceptance of the mental illness label by psychotic patients:  Effects on functioning.  American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1989, 59, 398-409.

Taylor, D. Concurrent validity of the Bem Sex-Role Inventory:  A Person-Environment approach.  Sex Roles, 1984, 10, 713-723.

Taylor, D. Social Desirability and the Bem Sex-Role Inventory.  Psychological Reports, 1981, 48, 503-506.

Dr. Dawn O. Taylor
3445 Penrose Place, Suite 250
Boulder, CO 80301
Phone: (303) 473-4435
Fax: (303) 447-6453 
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